Friday, February 1, 2013

January Reading Wrap Up

Well, I kinda a hit a wall with my reading this month when I started doing P90X.  I am a lot more tired at night so I haven't been reading quite as much as I was when the month started.  Here is a quick look at what I did manage to complete in January.

Here is a quick look at what review books are in my TBR pile...

ooops...I forgot to get the new Alyssa Day book in this picture...I will definitely be reading that one very soon!  I have a couple that didn't make it into this pile.  I have gotten a couple that came unsolicited that really just aren't my style and I have a couple that I am having a really hard time getting in to.  I will give those another go at some point, but when I pick up a book more than 2-3 times and just can't get into it, it's a pretty good sign that it's a book that I am not going to enjoy.  When that happens it's best for myself and the author if I don't continue.

I am hoping to get all of these done and reviewed this month if at all possible...wish me luck!  I will have some new reviews up for you next week.

Happy Reading!


  1. Hi Shelly I just wanted to tell you that both my daughter and I (70YR) read On The Island and enjoyed it very much. I have made note of many of the books you reviewed and try to get them at Library. Thanks for doing this it gets me out of my comfort zone. Sandra

  2. You are most welcome Sandra! I am glad you are enjoying some of the books I am posting about!


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