Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dual Blog Tour Review | Lux by Courtney Cole

Lux by Courtney Cole
Published October 28, 2015
Self-Published through Amazon

Author's Website | Goodreads | Buy the Book on Amazon

Synopsis from Goodreads:

My name is Calla Price and I’m broken. 
My pieces are all around me, floating on the wind, even as I desperately try to grasp them. 
Who is dead? Alive? Insane?
What is the truth?
I don’t know. 
I do know this: The darkness is strangling me. With every breath, I choke on another lie. 
My mind has protected me, but that shield will soon be lowered. 
All will be revealed. Every answer to every question. 
It’s all been leading to this. 
Don’t be afraid. Be terrified.

Victoria's Thoughts....
For anyone who has read this series, you know how greatly anticipated Lux was. Scheduled to release first in April of 2015, then August of 2015, and now October, we were all getting antsy. Let me just say, the wait was worth it! At first, I was angry after reading Lux. I was confused and a bit miffed at the ending. However, after re-reading it, I found beauty within its pages. We are all in charge of our own destiny and Lux was meant to show us that.

The triangle of Calla, Dare and Finn already had us on our toes in Nocte and Verum, and now it has us out of our seats with Lux. Originally, I was going to go into more depth of how they evolved as characters, but decided not to, as it would have given too much away. All I can say is that be mentally prepared for a mind explosion. You don't see the end coming until it is too late. We see a completely new side of Calla, a side that was slightly reveled in the novella before Lux, but still was mostly hidden before. It will take you on an experience like no other. Again, hold on to your seat, it's about to get bumpy.

As previous stated, I was frustrated with the ending of Lux, because I felt like with all the hype for the novel, it was a bit over-done. It's a great series, especially if you love a good thriller/psychological roller coaster, but I felt like it was rushed. Also, this isn't a novel that can be skimmed, it must be read with close attention, or you'll be confused from the beginning. Over all, I give it a solid 4 stars. I believe Cole accomplished what she set out to do. 

Victoria ♥

*Disclaimer: I was provided with a copy of this book courtesy of the author in exchange for my honest review.*

Shelly's Thoughts...
I gave this book 3.5 stars on Goodreads and I fully stand by that rating.  I was one of those readers that didn't come across this series until probably last April and I was excited that the the final book was due to come out right away.  Let's just say I was a little disappointed when the date kept getting pushed back.  I am going to (sort of) disagree with Victoria about the wait being worth it.  I didn't dislike the book by any means, but there was so much anticipation built up with the wait that I expected more than what was delivered. 

This series has been very confusing from the very first book and it continued to be so throughout this book.  In fact, I think it's safe to say that this one was probably the most confusing.  The repetition was not my thing.  Not only did Calla continuously repeat words and phrases (which I get due to the nature of her "condition"), but there were multiple, multiple scenes that were repeated from the previous books as well as this book.  Actually, I would venture to say that probably close to 40% of this novel was repeated information and that's what I had a problem with.  There were times that it was necessary to further the story and the way that she was directing the plot, but other times it seems as if a fresh approach could have been taken to make the scenes less repetitive.  There were many times I felt like Calla as she had an episode of deja vu.

I am not going to talk about the plot at all because it's just too hard to do so without spoiling anything.  Also it's a little hard to articulate what was going on most of the time.  I will say that if you haven't read the novella that was released recently you need to read that before this one.  It may not seem like it's relevant to the current story, but you need that information to piece it all together. This isn't a series that I see myself reading again, but I did enjoy it even though there were times I was wondering what the hell was going on!  I do think that she ended the book well and I was pretty happy about that....otherwise this would probably be a very different review.

If you like stories that make you really think about what's going on then this is a series that you will want to read.  If you like a nice. light easy read then it's most definitely not!

XOXO, Shelly

*Disclaimer: I was provided with a copy of this book courtesy of the author in exchange for my honest review.*

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