Thursday, August 23, 2012

Update and other things...

I wanted to pop on here an post something today, but I just finished a book and I don't have my review written up yet.  I am going to do that in a bit and that will post tomorrow.  I am sure that most of you know that I started a new job last week.  Last year I went back to work after taking 12 years off when I had my first child.  All three of my kids have been in school for 3 years now, so I decided to start working again.  Last year I was a substitute teacher in our school district, but I ended up really wanting to work at the elementary school that my boys are in.  They had an opening for someone to work in the building so I applied and got that job.  That's the job I started last week.  Before, as a sub, I could pick the days I wanted to work so I was generally only working 3 days a week at most, give or take from week to week.  This year I am working from 7:45 - 2:15, it's not a long day, but I am on my feet and walking back and forth all day long and it's wearing me out!  

I don't know when most of you read, especially if you are working.  I used to read at night for about an hour or so before bed, then in the mornings after the kids went to school.  I also take my book everywhere with me so that I can read any time I have a chance.  Now I don't have much time during the day, but I have 30 minutes once I get to work before I clock in (the kids eat breakfast at school so we go early), then I have some time in the afternoon.  My before bed reading has been cut way back because I have to get up so early and usually by 10:15 or 10:30 I am falling asleep anyway.  

I was reading sometimes 4 books or more a week and this last book I just finished took me nearly 5 days to finish!  That's crazy!  So, if you have sent me a book to review, plan on it being a couple weeks up to a month before I get it read and reviewed.  I have a pretty nice stack of TBR books that I am making my way through now and I just add each one to it as I get it.  I also have a handful of Blog Tours coming up that I have books for.  I am trying not to add any more tours until I get past some of the ones I have already scheduled so I don't get too overwhelmed with the books that have to be read by a certain time.

I did win a couple of contests over the past few weeks.  One of them was a pretty big one.  I participated in The Book of Paul Blog Tour at the beginning of the month and I won for the Most Original Blog.  I won a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a signed copy of the book which I received in the mail today!  I have a copy of the book that I got to review, but I was SO happy to get Richard to sign a copy for me!  I am going to be doing a giveaway here in the very near future to pass on my review copy so keep a look out for that if you think this is something you would like to read.  I really did enjoy this book and I have loved getting to know Richard Long through the blog tour, Twitter and Facebook.  I love authors who interact with their fans like he does.

The other contest I won was for signed copies of Slammed and Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover.  I am still waiting for those to get here, but I am super stoked for those since I loved that series so much.  I will post pictures of those when I get them for sure!

Ok, I think that's all I have for now.  I have a review to write up for tomorrow, until then Happy Reading!!


  1. Hey Shelly, how can you read that guy's scribbling? ;-)

  2. Congratulations on your new job! I've also been home for the past twelve years (although during the past two years, I completed a masters degree). I'm hoping to go back to teaching this year but haven't been able to find a teaching job close enough to where I live. Our district laid off over 200 teachers this year!! Ugh.

    Anyways, I am sure you will find your stride with working, parenting and reading! Best of luck!

  3. I only have time to read at night too and usually can get through only 1-2 books a week. Such is life!


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